What are the Purposes of IoT Technology?
05 November 2020

What are the Purposes of IoT Technology?

A Life-Saver with the Tasks It Fulfills: Internet of Things

The Internet of Things (IoT) is a whole that integrates the physical world into the digital world. To put it more simply, the Internet of Things is a huge network where devices are constantly connected to other connected devices and to the Internet.

As we mention in the article “What is the Internet of Things? How does it work?” the Internet of Things is a technology that is activated by placing sensors and software in the devices around us. These sensors and software collect and share information about the way devices work, how they are used, and their environment. All this information is stored in a secure center called the Internet of Things.

The platform of Internet of Things is a very powerful gateway that applies analysis in itself to information received from these intelligent physical devices. As the main purpose of use of this information, we can firstly say that we can identify potential problems before they arise and provide them a solution. 

Beyaz bir dünya küresi etrafında uçuşan teknoloji, bilgi, paylaşım gibi kavramları temsil eden ikonlar.

Internet of Things: New age of Technology

In addition to these, we can use the term ‘technology of the new age (Industry 4.0 era)’, which helps to make life simpler for the Internet of Things. The Internet of Things is only in their 20s as a term, but today its popularity is extreme. It is also predicted to rise at an ever-increasing pace because it interacts with technologies such as artificial intelligence and machine learning.

People do not have the capacity to do all the work themselves due to the existence of competition in the markets where the labor force is in question and the increasing workload. The need for a kind of assistive technology that will serve the purpose of reducing workload and making life easier is an evident. At this point, the benefits of Internet of Things technology cut in.

The Internet of Things, which is a combination of machine learning, and the artificial intelligence are a change for the sector. While the number of devices connected to the Internet of Things technology, which is expanding all over the world, is already in billions, these numbers are expected to increase exponentially. The long-held view that the Internet of Things will change the way they work in many industries is not out of place.

Bir fabrika çalışanı makinelere yönelmiş şekilde elindeki tabletle bağlanarak kontrol yapıyor.

Examples of Internet of Things

For example, retail companies use this technology to provide customers a better experience and to increase their business efficiency. Thanks to Internet of Things customers also enjoy this new experience.

Manufacturing companies use the Internet of Things to improve overall production processes that are very heavy to perform, while fast restaurant businesses use the Internet of Things to provide a superior customer experience and manage their daily operations.

One of the virtues of the Internet of Things is to provide insights on factors that increase costs for situations that bother banking and financial institutions, such as theft and increased costs, and provide solutions to their concerns by helping them prevent undesirable situations.

The Internet of Things is also used for the mission of transforming offices and homes into smart state. Many elements from security cameras to alarm systems take positions in this mission. In offices and homes, people who need security against theft and the place where they have got take it.